Hand cream with no emulsifier, formulate with LECIGEL as gelling agent that has emulsifying properties up to 20% oils, not only as gelling agent it also has ability to decrease TEWL due to phospholipid contain. Combination active ingredient to moisturize, soothe and calm the dry and itchy skin. AMISOL TRIO a moisturizer based on phospholipid, AMITOSE R a moisturizer and utilized good skin bacteria (S.epidermis), CALMPLEX a multi anti inflammation complex to relief skin inflammation, itchy and improve skin barrier.
1. Mix all ingredient in Phase A then heating with temperature 70-75˚C.
2. Add ingredient in Phase B slowly under mixing, stir until homogenous.
3. Mix all ingredient in Phase C then heating with temperature 70-75˚C, stir
until homogenize.
4. Add Phase C to Phase (A+B) under homogenizer (medium speed),
homogenize for 1-2 minutes until homogenize.
5. Cool down to room temperature (30-35˚C) under stirring.
6. Add one by one ingredient Phase D to Phase (A+B+C), stir until
Appearance: White off cream
pH: 5.57
Viscosity: 13350 cps (viscometer Brookfield DV-E, spindle 6, 20 RPM)